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Prefab container home: Emergency Container Hospital

Prefab container home: Emergency Container Hospital

18 Sep 2024

Prefab container home: Emergency Container Hospital


emergency containers


Shipping container homes are favored by more and more people with their low budget and quick assembly advantages. Shipping container homes use recycled shipping containers and have achieved surprising results through transformation.


emergency containers


Shipping container homes can not only be used as private residences. They can be used in natural disasters, wars and other situations. Traditional construction methods usually take a long time to install. Shipping containers have become an ideal solution with their rapid deployment and high flexibility.


emergency containers


This emergency container hospital adopts modular construction. This modular shipping container house consists of 25 independent modules. It took only one week from production, design to assembly.


emergency containers


All prefabricated parts of the emergency container hospital are assembled in the factory, including glass windows and doors. This prefabricated design greatly shortens the on-site construction time.

This emergency container hospital has two floors and is equipped with relatively complete facilities. It provides support for the work of medical staff.


emergency containers


This project not only provides medical space in a short time, but also proves the flexibility and rapid response advantages of prefabricated modular houses.


emergency containers


Shipping container homes can be used in many fields, such as private residences, warehouse containers, container shopping malls, etc. If you are interested in shipping containers, please contact us. We provide you with professional shipping container home designs and plans.

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